Nokia XpressMusic issue - El Blog de Mario


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viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

Nokia XpressMusic issue

Recently I bought the 5530 Nokia’s phone. Sadly I realize that the default music player of the ‘XpressMusic’ had some problems. For the issue of erasing the empty ‘artist’ folder I found this solution:


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1. Connect the phone to your pc in ‘Massive store mode’

2. In your pc, allow to show the hidden files (PC / Tools / Folder Options / Show every hidden file and folder)

3. Open the phone on your PC

4. Go to E:\Private. You’ll see 3 folders: 101f8857, 101ffca9 and 10281e17. Make a backup of this folders. Just in case.

5. Go to Private\101f8857\Cache\E. You’ll see a lot of .dat files. Erase every .dat file but not the E folder.

6. Now go to Private\101ffca9 and erase the .dat file but not the folder.

7. Finally go to Private\10281e17. You’ll see 4 files. Erase the files but no the folder.

8. Close every folder on your PC and unplug the phone, Go to the Music Library (this automatically will refresh)

Done! Now you can go to ‘Artist’ folder and see that in the list are not the artists that shouldn’t be there. =)

Proved on Nokia 5800 and 5530.


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